Business Setup in DOZ Dubai
Outsource Free Zone

Empowering Outsourcing Ventures: Dubai Outsource City Free Zone

Start Company in Dubai Outsource City

Dubai Outsource City Free Zone, established in 2007 within the Dubai Technology & Media Free Zone, is the pioneering hub exclusively tailored for the outsourcing industry. This visionary initiative arose from Dubai’s focus on fostering economic growth across diverse sectors. Recognising the dominance of outsourcing in shaping successful business models, Dubai responded by creating a specialised free zone dedicated solely to this industry. DOC caters to local and international outsourcing companies, offering a conducive environment for HR outsourcing, IT services, call centres, and business process outsourcing. With over 120 companies, including global giants, utilising its facilities for back office and outsourcing activities, DOC is an ideal platform in the United Arab Emirates for those seeking to establish and thrive in the outsourcing realm. To initiate your company formation in Dubai Outsource City, contact Shuraa Business Setup for expert guidance. 

Key Advantages of Dubai Outsource City (DOC)

The key advantages of Dubai Outsource City Free Zone are as follows:  

  • Strategic Location 
  • Unique Visa Solutions 
  • Versatile Commercial Spaces 
  • Licensing Options 
  • Student Support 
  • No Currency Restrictions 
  • Cutting-edge Infrastructure 
  • Capital and Profit Repatriation 
  • Channel and Market Growth 

Diverse Business Entities in Dubai Outsource City (DOC)

In Dubai Outsource City free zone, businesses can choose from three distinct entities: 

  1. Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC): 
     – Formed as an independent legal structure with its shareholders. 
    – Requires a minimum amount of capital for initiation. 
  2. Branch of a Foreign Company:
    – A legal entity linked to its foreign parent company. 
    – Offers the flexibility of establishing a different place of business than the headquarters. 
    – No minimum capital requirement for this business structure. 
  3. Branch of a UAE Company:
    – Enables an already established UAE-based company to expand by setting up a branch in the free zone. 

Permissible Activities in Dubai Outsource City Free Zone (DOC)

  • Document Management 
  • IT Management 
  • Customer Care 
  • Transaction Processing 
  • Operations Support 
  • Property Management Services 
  • Hotels 
  • Leisure Facilities 
  • Regional Headquarters 

Services Provided by DOC Include

  • Incorporation and Licensing 
  • Recruitment Services 
  • Immigration Services 
  • Land Leasing 
  • Affordable On-Site Housing 
  • Business Center Services 
  • Research Centers 
  • High-Speed Internet Connectivity 
  • IP Telephony 
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Facility 
  • Automatic Call Distribution 
  • Predictive Dialing Systems 
  • Satellite Communication Services 
  • Technical Support 

Dubai Outsource City Offers Office Spaces for

Ideal for outsourcing service providers, it serves as the perfect destination. 

  • Call Centers 
  • Data Centers 
  • Regional Headquarters 
  • Shared Services Centers 
Let's make your business dream a reality!

Licenses Offered to Companies in Dubai Outsource City

Licenses Offered to Companies in Dubai Outsource City are as follows: 

  • Commercial License: 

   – Applicable to companies involved in trading and the buying and selling of goods. 
  – Mandatory for businesses engaged in classified commercial activities. 

  • Services License:
    – Granted to businesses offering various services, including service providers, professionals, artisans, and craftsmen. 
  • Trade License:
    – Issued to businesses engaged in industrial and manufacturing activities.
    – Encompasses manufacturing activities such as food products, metal casings, and more.

Dubai Outsource City Company Formation Process

These steps will help you to form your Dubai Outsource City Company:  
Step 1:  Fill out and submit the application form for initial approval of company details. 

Step 2: Provide the necessary legal documents essential for the company registration process. 

Step 3: Sign the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association to formalize the company structure. 

Step 4: Deposit the stipulated share capital to fulfill financial requirements. 
Step 5: Complete the process by signing, returning the customer confirmation letter, and making the required payment.  

Step 6:  Finalize the setup with the signing of the lease agreement and a personal sponsorship agreement. 

Let's make your business dream a reality!

Required Documents for Dubai Outsource City Business Setup

  • Comprehensive Business Plan 
  • Board Resolution 
  • Evidence of Share Capital 
  • License Application Form 
  • Registration and License Fees 
  • Specimen Signature of the Manager 
  • Personnel Secondment Agreement 
  • Personal Details of Shareholder(s) 
  • Company Registration Application Form 
  • Colored Copies of Passports for Manager/Director(s)/Shareholder(s) 
  • Original Memorandum of Association (MOA) and/or Articles of Association (AOA) 
  • Certificate of Authorization from the GCC Standardization Organization (GSO)

Submission of Legal Documents

The main legal documents are as follows:  

  • Adherence to Requirements: Ensure full compliance with the specified requirements. 
  • Document Sealing under Powers of Attorney: 
    Legal documents exceeding one page must be sealed under Powers of Attorney. 
    Accompanying a valid passport copy of the Attorney is mandatory. 
  • Authority’s Right to Request Additional Documents: 
    The Authority reserves the right to request additional documents deemed necessary at any point. 
  • Attainment of Extra Attestation: 
    The Authority may request extra attestation from the UAE Embassy or other relevant Embassies, as required. 
  • Details in Manager’s Power of Attorney/Board Resolution: The Manager’s Power of Attorney and/or Board Resolution should include the Manager’s full name, nationality, and a valid passport number. 
  • Language Requirement: 
    All legal documents must be in Arabic and/or English. 
    Documents in any other language must be accompanied by a certified Arabic or English translation. 

Partnering with Shuraa Business Setup

Dubai Outsource City (DOC) presents a specialized platform aimed at assisting outsourcing organizations in embracing a customer-centric approach and comprehending customer needs effectively. These Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services encompass customer call center support, accounting and billing, sales and business development, human resources, payroll processing, and more. 

Should the financial benefits of establishing your company within the Dubai Outsource City free zone appeal to you, Shuraa Business Setup is your ideal companion. Our consultants are dedicated to facilitating your journey eliminating any hurdles that may impede your business initiation. We are committed to supporting you throughout the process and sharing your triumphs. Contact us for any inquiries regarding establishing a business within the DOC-free zone. 


No, there is no taxation of this nature. 


Dubai Outsource City Free Zone offers a strategic location, unique visa solutions, and versatile spaces for channel and market growth. 

Licenses include Commercial, Services, and Trade. The setup involves application, document submission, MOA and AOI signing, share capital deposit, and final agreements. 

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